Sponsorship Successes Celebrated
Chamber professionals are known for adhering to a strict “R&D” operating procedure. If you don’t know R&D, you are either outside of the chamber world or brand new. “Rip Off & Duplicate” is one of the best ways to gather new sponsorship ideas for your chamber.
Another way to gain access to innovative ideas is to talk with your fellow chamber professionals. The “60 Sponsorships in 60 Minutes” session provided annually by the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) is a beautiful melding of both. YGM has been honored to sponsor this session for years.
This year’s event – like that in 2020 – was held virtually. From the participants, a variety of ideas of were presented, and three cash prizes were awarded. The list of ideas presented are detailed below. We hope you find something you can implement in your chamber in the coming days, taking advantage of both the experience of your peers and the R&D process.
The ideas presented include:
- Securing sponsors for your Facebook Live events
- Purchasing existing video packages, such as videos highlighting communications tips, and offer those to your members. Secure sponsorships in amounts that will cover the cost of the purchase of the videos.
- Offer cash prizes at various events. Secure sponsorships to cover the expense of the cash prizes.
- Create community Facebook Groups and monetize them by offering sponsorships, pinned posts, and business spotlights. These sponsorships work best when the groups have an established following.
- For both virtual and in-person events such as annual meetings, secure sponsors and allow them to give away promotional items in welcome bags or event boxes. An example might be a virtual annual meeting with a movie theme. The sponsor could give away promotional items related to movies or the movie experience.
- Secure sponsors for your “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” series. Allow those sponsors to have a seat at the planning table. Let them co-moderate the event.
- If your chamber has a podcast, be sure to secure sponsors. Podcasts allow for a variety of sponsorship opportunities, including opening and closing segment sponsors.
- All chambers have one outdoor event or another – often a golf tourney – that requires a portable toilet to be available. Consider a portapotty sponsor. These provide an opportunity to be clever and funny.
- Many chambers have a welcome guide or a guide for visitors to the area. Consider adding a QR code within your guides. Have the codes link to videos promoting the sponsors.
- Create a standing Friday Facebook Live event in which you highlight activities and events happening in your community during the weekend. As you become seen as the source of important information, it will be easy to secure sponsors for each week’s event.
- Invite your state legislators to an event – either members-only or for your community – in which you provide face to face discussion opportunities for those in attendance.
- Secure parking sponsors. Go a step beyond and make unique parking passes. Have a local candy shop create chocolate bars with the parking passes including in the wrapping. Place the candy on the tables at your event.
- Create a Minority Enterprise Development Week. The chamber can orchestrate the event with sponsors submitting topic ideas and being prepared to cover the costs of their sessions.
Our congratulations to the cash prize winners:
- 3rd – Josh Suiter, Director of Members and Business Relations, Chamber of St. Mathew’s
- 2nd – Crystal Wagner, Director of Operations and Marketing, Blairsville Union County Chamber of Commerce
- 1st – April Bragg, President & CEO, Robins Regional Chamber of Commerce
YGM partners with chambers of commerce around the country to conduct Total Resource Campaigns (TRC). YGM comprehensively reviews and develops a chamber’s current sponsorship opportunities in line with core business principles. A TRC is, essentially, a sponsorship drive wrapped in a strategic plan. If you are interested in more information about a TRC, contact YGM.
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