“You Get More”


YGM stands for “You Get More”. Our You Get More Blog is designed to give you just that - more information on sponsorship trends, Chamber professional development, non-dues revenue, and many more Chamber-centric topics.

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Steal These 45 Sponsorship Ideas

We hope all of you who attended the ACCE annual convention were at the 60 Sponsorship Ideas in 60 Minutes session we sponsored. I know it’s likely been a whirlwind since you returned home, so we’ve gathered together a list of the ideas that were presented at the session. As...
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Motivated Volunteers Rule TRCs

Do your Vice Chairs or Team Captains ever ask what type of people make the best volunteers? As expected, we have tips of all sorts, but sometimes the best tip is to remind your Vice Chairs and Team Captains that anyone with a wide range of business contacts can succeed...
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Who is the Best TRC Chair for your Campaign?

If you have ever conducted a Total Resource Campaign, you know that in many ways, they become synonymous with their chairs. When I begin to discuss a TRC with a Chamber and to strategize for it, thinking of who would be an ideal chair is one of the first things...
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Appreciate Your Volunteers on Valentine’s Day

As I spent some time this weekend thinking about Valentine’s Day, I was reminded of a post I wrote a couple years ago about showing love for our volunteers – at Valentine’s and throughout the years. When I went back and read the post again, I found that all of the...
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Resolutions Don’t Expire

It’s now early February, and we are well into 2018. But if you haven't stuck to your resolutions, it's ok. There's still time. When you and your staff began planning 2018 last year, did you approach it with a wish list of desired accomplishments? Did you and your Board conduct...
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Get Creative with your Team Motivation

We talk a lot about how important team motivation is with our volunteers, both during the Total Resource Campaign and following the campaign. But it can be challenging to find ways to motivate those volunteers. Finding creative ways can be even more challenging. Even if it sounds cheesy - or...
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Sponsorships Target All Businesses

I said recently that sponsorships have a lot in common with Psychology 101 and Maslow’s Hierarchy. Because that is true, it is also true that not all sponsorships are equal. Provide Equal Opportunities While all sponsorships are not of the same value, you do want all of your possible sponsors...
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Teams Take First Place

I’ve been talking a lot lately about building a sponsorship campaign and the initial blocks in that process. One of the most important are organized teams. In all actuality, a Chamber really needs two organized teams. The First Team Your first team should be obvious – those who will sell...
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Sponsorship Plans: Making the Choice

If your chamber is thinking about sponsorship plans, there isn’t one perfect plan, just like there isn’t one perfect chamber. Your leadership needs to evaluate various types of plans and determine what will work best for your chamber. There are four types of sponsorship plans: Per event Annual bundled program...
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Increase Sponsorships: A Guide

Every chamber wants to increase sponsorships. It isn't always easy, but there are some simple methods to get you started. Be the Change Your Change Your Chamber Needs This summer’s 2016 ACCE Conference in Savannah, Ga., was amazing, and I keep thinking about how sponsorship development was the hot topic....
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