“You Get More”


YGM stands for “You Get More”. Our You Get More Blog is designed to give you just that - more information on sponsorship trends, Chamber professional development, non-dues revenue, and many more Chamber-centric topics.

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Anissa Starnes, IOM, YGM Chief Impact Officer

Five Key Tips for Showing Volunteers Appreciation

Nonprofits, at their core, are made up of volunteers who give their time, energy, and resources to help others. These volunteers are the lifeblood of our organizations, and they deserve your gratitude and appreciation.  But how can you show your volunteers how much you appreciate their hard work and dedication?...
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Thinking of Establishing a 501(c)(3) Foundation?

A Few Things to Consider In my more than 30 years of chamber work, I have not heard as much talk of 501(c)(3) foundations as I have since 2020. The pandemic showed chambers the value of foundations.  When the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) first rolled out, chambers were not eligible...
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Title Sways Perception

Choosing the perfect title for the leader of your chamber is a daunting task. If I had $100 for every time someone asked me my option on the perfect title, I would be lounging on a beach somewhere enjoying my retirement. When it comes to chamber executive leadership titles, there...
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Increase Your Employee Retention

The pandemic has changed our world in so many ways, and it has forever changed our workplaces. It is now an employee market. We are experiencing the “great re-evaluation” where employees are jumping to new jobs. People are re-evaluating their priorities and purpose. Chambers of Commerce are not immune to...
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Top 5 Reasons I Chose YGM

I never dreamed I would be part of The Great Resignation, a.k.a. the Big Quit, which is a current trend in which employees voluntarily resign from their jobs. Yet in January, I did just that. I resigned from a position most people agreed was the “perfect” fit for me. Someone...
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